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acYYMMDD.txt (i.e. ac971209.txt)

    Broadcast Actions (broadcast licenses granted/denied). The report contained     within the example name above was adopted/created on December 9th, 1997.


    MetaData: Contains report number (REPORT NO.), and date


apYYMMDD.txt (i.e. ap970106.txt)

    Broadcast applications. The date convention is the same as above.


    MetaData: Contains report number (REPORT NO.), and date


corYY#####.txt (i.e. cor97380.txt) AND crYY##### (i.e. cr871748.txt)

    Corrected versions of various documents. The numbers following have an obscured meaning which seems to start with the year, but then followed by a varying number of digits of which I am currently unsure of the meaning (i.e. does not seem to correspond to the publish/release/creation dates).



        cor files: Contain CC Docket (CC Docket), date adopted (Adopted: ), and date relesed (Released: ).

        cr files: Contain DA number (DA), release date (Relesed ), approved by (Approved by ), expirey date (Expires mm/dd/yy), and average burden hour per response "Avg. burden hours per response: ".


ctia####.txt (i.e. ctia0117.txt)

    Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association documents. There seems to be no immediately discernable pattern behind the numbers following "ctia" in the filename.


    MetaData: Contains creation date, released date (Released :  )


daYY#####.txt (i.e. da961740.txt)

    This is what a majority of the text files are named as. The YY represents the year of adoption or creation, where the year of adoption take precidence over year of creation. For example, in this case, the year of adoption was 1996, but the release date is 1997. The numbers following seem to have no bearing on any other date related inferences.


    MetaData: Varies from document to document.


erYY#####.txt (i.e. er961987.txt) and errYY####.txt (i.e err96474.txt)

    Contains erratum/errata. again, the YY corresponds to the year of the issue the erratum/errata deals with, not when the erratum was released.


    MetaData: release date (Released), and file number (File No. )/WT Docket Number (WT Docket No. )/GN Docket number (GN Docket No. ), depending on the exact issue at hand. Adopted (Adopted: ) may be present as well.


fcYY###L.txt (i.e. fc97289e.txt)

    Appendixes for the documents refered to in the YY### section of the file name, where the L (letter) refers to what appendix. (i.e. appendix E in this example).


fccYY###.txt (i.e. fcc97004.txt)

    Major FCC publications for the year YY. The number is created from a incrimentation by one for every FCC document created for that year.


    MetaData: May or may not contain a subject mattor description (In the Matter of ), various Docket numbers, adopted date (Adopted: ), released date (Released: ), comment date (Comment Date: ), reply comment date (Reply Comment Date). 


The following "nr" files are all related to "news releases" with different content.


nrcbY###.txt (i.e. nrcb7010.txt)

    These mostly contain the cable services actions. The last number of the year is used in place of the Y, upto 2000, after which the last two digits are used. In this example, the year would be read as 1997. A 2002 file would be reminiscent of nrcb02123.txt.


    MetaData: report number (Report No. CS ), released date.


nrccY###.txt (i.e. nrcc7028.txt)

    This naming convention is similar to the nrcb codes with regards to the year digit. The nrcc files contain common carrier actions.


    MetaData: Report No. (report No. CC ), released date.


nrciY###.txt (i.e. nrci7001.txt)

    Again similar with respect to the date code as the nrcb and nrcc conventions. These deal with Compliance and Information Action.


    MetaData: Report No. (report No. CI ), released date.


nretY##.txt (i.e. nret7002.txt)

    Contains the same naming convention and metadata as nrcb, nrcc, and nrcc. Contains "Action in Docket Case" information.


nrinY###.txt (i.e. nrin7001.txt)

    Contains the same naming convention as the above types. These files contain "International Action" iinformation


    MetaData: report number (Report No. IN )


nrmcY###.txt (i.e. nrmc7001.txt)

    Miscelaneous news releases. Contains same naming convention as all previous nr files.


    MetaData: just a date


nrmmY###.txt (i.e. nrmm7002.txt)

    Mass media actions. Same naming convention again.


    MetaData: report number (Report No. MM ), and release date.


nrwlY###.txt (i.e. nrwl07002.txt)

    Wireless news releases.


    MetaData: report number (Report No. WT), and release date.


nrgcY###.txt (i.e. nrgc7003.txt)

    Again contains the same naming convention as the above examples. These files contain appointments to positions within the FCC, with short biographical information on the appointed person.


    MetaData: contains only a date of distribution



pncbY###.txt (i.e. pncb7003.txt)

    Uses same naming convention as news releases. Contains cable services actions (usually in the form of letters).


pnccY###.txt (i.e. pncc7002.txt)

    Same naming convention as news releases. Contains common carrier bureau network change notifications.


sp*.txt (i.e. sprpc711.txt)

    Contains speeches.


stYY###.txt (i.e. st97011.txt)

    Contains statements. YY = year.




The above conventions should not be considered complete and 100% accurate, and should only be used as a rough guide to what the files contain. The best method, again, to determine an exact categorization by department etc. is to use the index file obtained from the FCC.