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ORB Visualization



National Knowledge Project




3/6/2004 8:55 AM



We respectfully ask that this message be forwarded as any one deems appropriate, and that comments be made to portal@ontologystream.com for synthesis and inclusion into the "experimental" BCNGroup Communities Glass Bead Game.




Objections to or comments on any of the short textual URLs in the games are discussed and modification to the games made when deemed appropriate.   We are using an process development methodology (appreciative, influence, control) model in the development of these games and in the call for a National Project.


We are using Readware technology for conceptual indexing.  Additional SLIP and Orb technology will be deployed soon:





A request is being made for an Independent Knowledge Science Technical Office




at DARPA or perhaps at NIST. 



Past discussions have shown (to us) that NSF is, perhaps, too strongly polarized on this issue to be able to address the issue as defined.  The Directorate of Computer Science is far to powerful to allow the discussion to be objective. (This is our opinion). 


The BCNGroup is a non-profit Corporation founded in 1997 and registered in Virginia.


We have been making a specific case that is reflected in the short statement at:




on the nature of the confusion within the IT business sector.  We propose a specific long-term solution to this problem.


A "business model" is being advanced based on an aggregation of as-yet-to-be-discovered Intellectual Property derived from a New Computer Science and the development of Knowledge Technology. 


An Ontology referential base (Orb) model of all property and structured scholarship in this area can and should be managed by a private Foundation, perhaps modeled after the BCNGroup Charter:

