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ORB Visualization





The Project preliminary to the National Project


The marketing of poor product, when no good product was available, has soured the agency heads toward taxonomy and ontology.  Moreover, many of the bureaucrats have a type of learned disability to understand advanced thought, or thought that is memetically complex.  This learned disability leads to abnormal behavior and decisions that cannot be rationalized in objective social discourse. 


The OntologyStream Inc research group has the opportunity to demonstrate to the entire agency community that Information Production products are now significantly better than was the case even two years ago.


Moreover leading companies like SchemaLogic Inc, Stratify Inc and Entrieva Inc have coupled text-understanding technology with a mature understanding about how to implement knowledge technology within bureaucratic communities of practice.  This means less computer science and more social science.  It also means that the leading vendors are aware of the critical limiting nature of the agency bureaucrats.