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ORB Visualization



Copyright: BCNGroup.org 2004


                   .Organizational Plan .             

About us

FCC Conceptual Searching and Taxonomy Access Services

Our Technology





The BCNGroup Investment Template ™ is designed to provide an alternative to the current venture capital model for bringing information technology innovation to the commercial market.  In most cases, the initial investment will be less than $250,000. 


We expect that the success of this model will be copied because the product lines are grounded in a specific paradigm expressing scientific thought and a published literature.


As a general principle, a scientific committee, formed by the BCNGroup.org, will have a small financial stake in the success of a progression of limited liability partnerships.  Someone appointed by this Not for Profit will control, or delegate control, over a specific budget during a formative period lasting no more than one year.  The Chair of this Scientific Committee maintains, or delegates, management rights during the formative period.  In most cases, the CEO of Ontologystream Inc will hold this Chair. 


The Investor is given only the right to sell the LLP after a fixed development term and to receive 50% of the proceeds from that financial transaction.   In same cases, the Investor will take full ownership of the LLP and convert the LLP into a Corporation.  Options related to this conversion are to be established at the time of the original investment. 


The Purpose of the investment is to return the investment to the investor, with a considerable profit, plus produce a significant return on the time and labor directed by the Scientific Committee.   


In most cases, the new corporation will license Human-centric Information Production (HIP ™) technology from Ontologystream Inc and partners.  Anticipatory Web ™ and other branding terms and phrases will be developed and maintained by OntologyStream Inc. 


A map of the Intellectual Properties in the topic area of HIP ™ and Anticipatory Web ™ will be maintained by the not for profit Corporation, BCNGroup.org, registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia since 1997. 



dataRenewal LLP (proposed)





Organization and Plan


A limited liability partnership is proposed having six partners: four contributing companies, the BCNGroup Scientific Committee, and the Managing Partner. 


The Managing Partner is to bring an investment of $250,000 and is responsible for forming and selling a Corporation, DataRenewal Inc, at the end of a nine-month term. 


The investment will support a budget for integrating technologies into one seamless application.  The Chair of the BCNGroup Scientific Committee will control the budget. 


The projected market value of the Corporation, at the end of the nine-month term will depend on high quality tutorials, thoughtful and catchy branding language, and novel intelligence-type software.  Software features will support the public need to conduct research about the contents of the FCC public documents, and other selected public document archives.  


The Managing Partner’s rights are limited to the right to sell the company at the end of the nine-month term.  The Managing Partner has 50% ownership stake in the proceeds from the sale.  The other Partners have the remaining 50% stake. 


About Us


DataRenewal LLP is the consequence of a joint effort to demonstrate a solution to the issues of concept identification, conceptual indexing, knowledge flow modeling, and taxonomy generation through the integration of multiple technologies, at a relatively low development cost.


To demonstrate these technology capabilities, DataRenewal LLP has applied them to a copy of the FCC Public Documents (e-Docs) archive, available from 1997 – 2003; and other public repositories.  Some demonstration of the capability can be shown now from our web site at www.dataRenewal.com


Tools and methodologies are being applied to accomplish various knowledge management/discovery related tasks.  Several taxonomies are to be generated in conjunction with FCC expert use.



Figure 1: Instant Index, Inc’s powerful engine forms the backbone

of the dataRenewal.com Services Portal.


DataRenewal’s integrated software will license four intelligence-type technologies as a single unit.  During the nine-month trial test period, the interface to these technologies will evolve under the direction of the Science Committee.  Social science and psychological science will have a role in developing a new type of visual representation of Subject Matter (SM) Indicator constructions and the use of these constructions to navigate within large public repositories, many of them written in the language of lawyers. 

FCC Conceptual Searching and Taxonomy Access Services


Over the term of its existence, DataRenewal LLP will provide conceptual indexing, knowledge flow modeling, and taxonomy generation for all FCC Public documents.  This resource is to be developed to support research on all public FCC related issues, notices, speeches, and rulings.  The focus on the FCC public repository allows a complete demonstration of intelligence-type tools including collaborative workflow and knowledge representation.  The result will be a transparency into the FCC deliberative process.


The primary focus supports FCC related research.  The demonstration target is the exposure of the subject content of legal reasoning conducted during the deliberative process.  The impact that this demonstration will have is to change the way the agency reasons, based on the certain knowledge that an inquiring public will easily understand the complete deliberative process. 



Figure 2: NdCore ™ and ORB ™ technologies provide concept and metaconcept metadata.


The site will support simple searching based on categories of interest.   A representation of ORB construction is encoded as ASCII text and be read into a simple browser for view and manipulation by any user. 


Tutorial on Orb technology


We will allow researchers to dig deeper into the information, define workflow elements supporting collaborative research.  During the nine months the ORB service is not encumbered with a fee so as to allow the user community to develop and so that our scientific committee can proper develop tools, tutorials and educational materials.  The tools will attempt to make transparent the internal work flow related to the FCC’s interpretation of Federal law, and will support the development of informed public comment and targeted complaints about agency rulings or corporate behavior.

Our Technology


Our advanced mixture of tools and techniques includes; full text search using strings of words to find documents, search using partial words to find document, and conceptual search.  The DataRenewal product will allow users to search for content based on significant concepts as well as keywords. Linguistic services are used to produce and manage subject matter indicator taxonomy, subject lists, controlled vocabularies and ontology constructions.


Documents are automatically placed into subject matter taxonomy for better retrieval of information. Workflow segments and new types of knowledge management methodologies are supported.




Figure 3: Full-cycle profile-based full-text search and retrieval.


The underlying licensed technology is complete and some aspects of technology have seen deployment within the intelligence community. 




The underlying licensed technology is already loosely integrated into a community based distributed knowledge management system.  This knowledge management system has the following elements (1) an Information Production system producing Subject Matter Indicators, (2) support for externally organized community based collaboration (having a right to privacy), (3) support for provisioning DataRenewal SM-Indicators into external collaborative environments. 




Four types of deployments are envisioned; 


(1) Deployments for citizen centric analysis of State and Federal document repositories,

(2) Deployments for e-forum conceptual trending and visualization of content,

(3) Deployment for conceptual and full text indexing of small or large web sites, and

(4) Deployment for flexible private use on personal computers. 



Discussion about the OntologyStream Process Patent



Reuse of SM-Indicators will be enabled through the use of web-based management of controlled vocabulary via knowledge operating system (KOS ™) artifacts. 


A policy will be published and enforced that provides the public community with confidence that the individual rights to privacy are acknowledged and absolutely enforced by the owners of DataRenewal LLP. 


After the development period, at least two forms of revenue will be available to the future owners of DataRenewal Inc.  Service sites will be developed for many public repositories, such as the repository of FCC public rulings; a nominal charge will be made for the use of these sites.  A DataRenewal Software Development Kit will be made available so that internally licensed intelligent-type technologies can be reused in other contexts.