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ORB Visualization



National Knowledge Project


We are looking at the formation of an

 anticipatory web of information.


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BCNGroup Foundation

Summary of Capitalization Efforts


Review of the first bead -> .


We begin this discussion by introducing the notion of a Knowledge Operating System (KOS) where principles of data regularity and contextual information are developed using a very simple data encoding mechanism, called Ontology referential bases, (Orbs).  The KOS is the foundation to Human-centric Information Processing (HIP), where responsibility for information sharing comes from individuals working with informational transparence.



Our commitment is structured to provide reasonable profits to business entities.  This commitment is one that aims to


1)       win economically based on financial outcomes,

2)       move modern science and education forward


We see both objectives as an integral part of our Nation’s response to the challenges of the twenty-first century.


We believe that new intellectual property is being developed that will provide reasonable return on investments and a bit more.   Business processes are being considered that will bring financial success to investors in the products that capitalize on new intellectual property.  This property is developed by information scientists who are aware of social responsibilities.  The social responsibilities are reflected in direct contributions to educational processes.  A re-newal in mathematics and computer science curriculum provides an environment for the economic success of this class of intellectual property.


The purpose of our commitment is to make ubiquitous Human-centric Information Production (HIP) design philosophy and technology.  The successful deployment of HIP technology depends in a set of steps, designed to support a new ecosystem of business entities.  These business entities have a well-defined sense that not all social-value that can be exploited should be exploited.  This sense follows well defined cultural beliefs that serve healthy communities.


The business community is called on to be more sophisticated in how decisions are made regarding the exercise of monopoly power.  System theory easily demonstrates that monopoly power is a natural part of a competitive economy.  The BCNGroup expects to create an investment environment where business management must explicitly acknowledge, in contractual agreements, social responsibilities related to the exploitation of HIP technology in a competitive marketplace.   The BCNGroup will enforce these agreements via patent, trademark and copyright protections.


Reasonable return on investments made and thoughtfully managed is essential.  For example, the development of the InOrb Technologies investment template is based on the concept that a deep innovation such as Orbs (Ontology referential bases) should have some way to acquire small seed funding without losing control of the ownership of the innovation as properly defined via patent, trademark and copyright.  Venture capitalist behavior has not supported this type of business model. 


Our task is to demonstrate that IF the only issue is profit, then the BCNGroup template is superior to current strategies that often depend on the destruction of other entities ability to compete.


(See {1} , {2} )


The BCNGroup templates are designed to provide a significant return on investment in a short period of time.  In some cases, we expect to take a seed investment that is under $50,000 and return the investment, plus a compensation for management skills and the investment itself, within four months.  A limited liability partnership is used for this purpose.  The limited liability partnership completes the development of a product, the legal work on establishing a corporation, branding work and begins the marketing process.  The partnership then sells the new corporation to a group who will manage the marketing of the product.  The InOrb Technologies investment template is modified from a more comprehensive investment template for dataRenewal Inc. 


The templates are designed to fascinate a change in investment behavior by demonstrating that partnerships can create new companies and then sell these companies to a management team.  The entire process has services from a community of scholars, scientists and innovators.


The proposal suggested by the BCNGroup Charter (1997) is that self-selecting communities, of independent scholars, develop comprehensive maps of data invariance in public disclosures regarding


1)       New patents in data encoding and information management technology

2)       Social opinion regarding health and information issues related to the Rural American Safe Net and National Educational Project to Establish the Knowledge Sciences

3)       Advances in technology supporting micro-farm production of bio-mass derived products

4)       Biotechnology advances and research


Each of these types of maps of data invariance can be used as Anticipatory Webs of Information by encoding the data invariance into the very simple format of the Orb technology.  These maps will help scientists identify where social need might be addressed with the new HIP technologies.


There are many application domains.


Orb technology itself can be used to produce information encoding and control mechanisms for a class of systems, including biomass conversion systems.  As the Rural American Safe Net concept develops we will construct social compacts that are consistent with the BCNGroup Charter’s mechanism for the scholarly review and proper public disclosure of innovations.  These social compacts will compete with multi-national corporations that are exhibiting behavior that depends on owning and exploiting questionable patent properties.  


The task we have set on is to reinforce the belief by some corporations that a rapidly growing economic pie is good for the environment/political/economic safety each citizen seeks.


Investing founders will benefit by supporting an educational infrastructure called the Knowledge Sharing Foundation.  The key to the success of the Knowledge Sharing Foundation is a K-12 curriculum about an emerging science on human knowledge systems.  This curriculum will be available also to those who need to use the HIP technologies now, to fight the war on terrorism, and to develop a new manufacturing sector in the United States.  Based on the human knowledge expressed in this curriculum, advanced knowledge production centers will be developed in support of the challenges that face the Nation.


The National Project to Establish the Knowledge Sciences is planned so as to Open Access to education about the nature of information and the nature of natural organic systems.  Thus this National Project defines a vision of the near future that is radically different from the fear that many have regarding personal safety in our present cultural environment.


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