Friday, January 27, 2006
[148] ß [parallel discussion on
generative methodology (Judith Rosen)
[147] ß [parallel discussion on
generative methodology (Peter Krieg)
[368] ß [comment on four issues
(Richard Ballard)
[150] ß [Deeper discussion between
Judith Rosen and Peter Krieg on relationalism
Four Issues about Ontological
Communication from Paul Werbos à [367]
Comments from Werbos and Sowa,
I agree with Paul W:
> I have lots and lots of specific concerns myself about
> lots and lots of stupid things done in the government and
> elsewhere -- but it's a question of how best to try to
> improve things.
In general, everybody has their own personal and business needs to accommodate, and almost everybody is overwhelmed by information overload. If they disagree about some point or wish to withdraw from the discussion, they may have very good reasons for doing so.
Even people who have been strong opponents may have good ideas to contribute. For example, when Bill Clinton was president, he would often call Richard Nixon to ask his opinion about dealing with China and other nations that require delicate negotiations. Clinton may have disagreed strongly with many of Nixon's policies, but Nixon was a very intelligent and insightful individual from whom one could learn a lot.
Sometimes one's adversaries can be the most important people to learn from. The worst possible leader is one who refuses to learn and surrounds himself with sycophants.
John Sowa