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January 1, 2006


 The BCNGroup Beadgames



Challenge Problem  à

Additional reading:

Cory Casanave's paper on Data Access

work on ontology for biological signal pathways

e-Business Model Ontology



EU’s program to model complexity using ontology


Dr Jay


The concept that I wish you pick up on is that in India there are many fine computer scientists who do, in fact, see the W3C and AI as not being completely honest about what semantics, expressiveness, intelligence are in real natural phenomenon.  But, up to now, there has been no real alternative. 


If there was a group organized to put their efforts as a community towards the development of an infrastructure as discussed at


Knowledge Sharing Foundation


but oriented towards the proposal (deadline Feb 14th, 2006) to the EU for developing ontological models for / over / of ... complex natural systems; then we have something to add to the proposal from the India community.  I would say “ontological models over complexity”. 


We cannot imagine funding of any type unless the EU proposal is peer reviewed and accepted (and then we as a group would have around 1M per year).  This is not much, unless we know how to leverage other things.  I am proposing, to you, that "all" coding be done by an India group.  This is tentative to the finding of a group of 5 – 10 whom will work with me between now and Feb 14th on some prototyping.


Azamat, I and two or three others would be the architectural committee.  We might deploy with the Mark 3 technology (Dr Ballard's work) when it is available. 


The proposal should have the following communities of stakeholders:



1) a community of programmers, likely working only with C and Python; since Java has become so complicated.


2) structural knowledge engineers (people who know and love RDF, OWL and these things so that compatibility can always be expressed from our Knowledge Sharing Foundation to business and government systems using RDF.


3) natural scientists who know of Robert Rosen's definition of complex system and are willing to work to develop a new brand language for the knowledge sciences that does not make implicit suggestions that computers do anything more than compute.


4) e-Business consultants who are ideologically oriented toward evangelizing the new knowledge science as both an ideology (with brand language) and as a technology.


Again, those in India whom you talk about this should review the BCNGroup Roadmap.