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Friday, December 09, 2005


 The BCNGroup Beadgames

National Project ŕ 

Challenge Problem  ŕ

(new thread on Emergency Medical Ontology Project planning  ŕ [home] )







I am intrigued by what an ontology formalism that is guided by knowledge of metabolic reaction pathways may have to offer, either me immediately in my work or society, more broadly.




The key has to do with emergence, the nature of and consequences of.


If an ontology construction is "stratified" in the sense that my group is defining, then a theory relates aggregation of parts into a whole whose definition is created through the function that the environment plays a key role in.


Real type aggregation of "ontology" is then informed by both the set of invariances over past “events” and the ecological affordances present at the time of emergence.


By affordance, we mean the pathways that phenomenon can move under the conservation laws of physics which are present.  I can not walk through the door closest to you within the next 1 minute.   I can, however, make a decision to send an email to you.