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Friday, December 02, 2005


 The BCNGroup Beadgames

National Project à 

Challenge Problem  à

 Center of Excellence Proposal à





The Taos Institute

(on the possibilities)



 [bead thread on curriculum reform]

Ballard’s communication on information theory advance  à [258]



Paul Werbos had some additional comments at the end of his note à [260]


In particular:


One might imagine that fuzzy or RBF (Radial Basis Function) kinds of representations might be similar to solitons as a way of getting rid of things like the infinite self-repulsion of the electron not only in QED but in classical Lorentzian electrodynamics.



When I read this, it was only because of personal awareness of how Paul Werbos thinks, that I was able to make connections to the challenge question Paul made to a community of mathematicians and to the general theory that Ballard, Adi and others are developing.


As an approximation I interpret Paul Werbos’s additional comments to be the questions”


Does Ballard’s information theory do something categorically equivalent to fuzzy logic, rough sets, or the use of radial basis elements?


Does Ballard’s theory automatically predict everything about the nuclear forces and gravity, based on "only" the information content?


First, before I and others work on expositing the issues impinging on there two specific question, I ask Paul Werbos if my interpretation is appropriate and complete (within this narrow focus)?


Paul Prueitt