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Sunday, November 27, 2005


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Discussion about ONTAC forum

ONTAC stands for Ontology and Taxonomy Coordinating Working Group

It is a working group of

Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP)






You said:  (see [246] )


“ But some people believe anything that comes out of a computer, and other people believe anything that is printed in a book.  That doesn't mean you should throw out computers and books. “


I just do not understand why you feel that I would suggest such a thing.  This is where the damage that I take comes from.


I was completely absorbed by Whitehead for a period of many months when I was 17.  I still feel his arguments, and I see these arguments (about openness) in the work of the applied Russian semiotics.


The limitation that has been identified in the quote you give form Whitehead suggests to come of us that over formalization is a mistake.  An alternative exists where the ontological structure is developed separately from a hard wired imposition.


I do not wish to fight a battle that has been defined by others, like several in the ONTAC working group.  They simply play games.  These games are limiting our collective ability to identify and accommodate the challenges that are there to face.


