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November 3, 2004


The BCNGroup Beadgames




Center of Excellence Proposal à

 Challenge Problem  à

National Project à


White Paper on Incident Information Orb Architecture (IIOA) à

 Adi Structural Ontology Part I  à

 ARDA rejection notice (Friday, October 29, 2004) à





Possibility from Knowledge Processors


We will be able to see, for the first time, the paths of discourse used to recruit new members to those forms of radical Islam that have declared a holy war on the Western way of life. 


   BCNGroup Founding Committee  October 27, 2004




It’s going to be another sunny day in Seoul, although the weather is beginning to turn cool.  I’ve been here at Korea University since the end of August, teaching signal processing for the E&CE department.  My old friend, is in charge of recruiting visiting faculty.  Yesterday in Starbucks, we were chatting about neural nets (the good old days) and AI.  I mentioned your work with BCN Group and OntologyStream and he wants to know if you could be interested in taking a sabbatical here next year.  The pay might be a little low by US standards but you could be in the mood for a change of scenery.  The students are all angels (even if a few of them are lazy).


Best wishes,





We know that the Eastern Rim countries are trying to push beyond the false AI paradigm into a paradigm that is useful in understanding social reality.  I read papers from this area and can see that scholars have learned the AI paradigm without treating it as a religious belief system - as is done in the US.  For example, I know that there is a great deal of interest in an Eastern Rim government for an “anticipatory technology”.  They are contracting with the Arlington Institute (which does not have a clue as to how to achieve this type of technology, but is willing to contract for delivering such a system, class LISA – if I remember right).


In many of my Goggle searches using subject matter indicators I generate, using SLIP, from my own work (using Orbs), I get Eastern Rim scholars work and nothing in the US.   I understand the approach that I see these scholars taking. 


Might the Professor Ko be interested in my presenting the topics in Foundations of Knowledge Science this coming semester?




the students must have interdisciplinary preparation, to include mathematics beyond calculus, social science, cognitive neuroscience and appreciation of string theory and or quantum theory.


I am also very interested in working with students who understand linguistics and have an interest in applying the Adi structured ontology generative methodology to Korean language or to one of the other Eastern Rim languages.  This project could be done in one semester, if there was support for some collaboration with Adi (small amount < 20K for the semester) and if there was a group of students whom I could start to talk with in the month of November to get ready for the course.


It is necessary that I have collaborative systems, Grove primarily, but also a Greenstone digital library installation Nathan and I are currently working on.  See also:


University based Proposal for Knowledge Sharing




One must understand the non-understandable. 


No one who understands my work, or related work, has any economic power.  There are many who do understand the work.  There are many who feel similarly disenfranchised by the R&D procurement process in the US.


Many of us firmly believe that this situation is due to the self-selection of who gets funding and the control of this process by a specific type of mind type in the US.  See Ballard's comment  à  [151]


We also know that the American Dream is not accessable to those who have deep IT innovations.  This situation is partially due to the control of US Corporation capitalization processes leading to IPOs (Initial Public Offering of stock in Corporations).  The control is exercised by a small entrenched community of venture (vulture) capitalist.


The NSF is not any help either, nor is NIST.


So there is literally no path for the core team, who proposed the ARDA Challenge Problem on anticipatory technology, to a funding source of any kind. 


This situation has been with us for decades, but since 9-11 there is a control of the government here by the, words fail me here, Powers That Be.


The problem was why we created the BCNGroup in 1997. 


Personal observation:  I know of no proper word here for the culture of the exploitation of the problems we have by moneymakers.  I fear that the democracy will be lost if the righteousness of the fundamentalist in the US are not successfully challengeable intellectually.


I am not confident that the Powers That Be during the second term of President Bush will understand that the greatest threat to our wonderful country is war profiteering.


So I do look else where for a place to develop the anticipatory web.   I have looked to my own roots in Native American culture, but I have not found a way to keep the support of my wife and three daughters (who are all in college now).  I would like to live alone on campus in a dorm, and would need to feel secure and in the company of a few students and colleagues.


Required reading


Karl Pribram's work (brain architecture and holonomic theory)

Gerald Edelman's work (with a focus on the cross scale control structures in brain metabolic processes)

Stu Hameroff's work on cytoskeleton involvement in quantum to molecular control structures)

My work on Soviet applied semiotics - as presented in Knowledge Foundations

Willingness to think about some issues in the foundations of linguistics and mathematics

theory of social networks, as part of social science and political science


So the course would be demanding in time and dedication.


The computer science folks may have trouble with the above, since computer science disciplines, in the US anyway, seems to excuse themselves from understanding anything outside of computer science. 


But I know that there are those who are interested in a background to the study of the Semantic Web and anticipatory technology involving the Human-computer interface.  These students are welcome.  I have a project with Peter Stephenson at Eastern Michigan University in this area.  It is only partially funded or I would just settle at EMU next semester.


I need a place to work. 


We would want a new book to be developed by redrafting the Foundations.  We have two publishers interested.




See related:


New bead thread on Generative Methodology  for production of Structured Ontology