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Saturday, September 11, 2004


The BCNGroup Beadgames


Background material on why a National Project is required


Link to: Tutorial on the Nature of a new Memetic Technology

based on categorical abstraction and event chemistry



Previous part of this discussion ( à)

Next communication between John Benjamins Publishing House and BCNGroup à



Dear Dr Prueitt


I regret that you think that our conclusion about publication of your work "Foundations of Knowledge Science in the 21st Century" might be based on  'bias'.


I refer to my email to you of 26th May in which I have tried to explain some concrete issues that make the work less publishable as a book within the Benjamins program. One major consideration is that some of the chapters have already been published and that our policy is to publish new work.


As I said then, if the proposed manuscript can be edited and focused for a tangible readership, we can reconsider its publication.


Thank you for inviting me to join the discussion with such prominent people on Knowledge Foundations. It is very tempting for an acquisition editor at an independent publishing house that has supported innovative research these past 30+ years. However, in my capacity as editor at Benjamins I have to decline your invitation to join in such a discussion.


We are well aware of dramatic changes in Western-world attitudes to Knowledge and the social and political consequences that are now taking shape, as well as the role of academic publishing in these developments. We aim to steer a balanced course, not necessarily in the main stream.


With kind regards


Bertie Kaal




The Online work is merely a means to suggest what might be developed as completely new material.


I am prepared, as I said in correspondence to you, to make a completely new book based on the Internet materials.  There is a certain history here that perhaps needs to be told so that the origins of the new information science can be expressed. 



The invitation for you to join the BCNGroup discussion would be perhaps important. 


There is a feeling that certain types of scholarship are inhibited by peer review, and that this inhibition is self-serving. 


In any case, the work that my community is doing is leading to a conference where a number of leading scholars will address the Conjecture on Stratification.


Would you be interested in publishing from that conference?


The conference will focus on issues discussed in this 5 pages position paper:




Regarding the criterion for publication of scientific work. 


The criterion needs to be related to publishing material that is not being published by others, but which meets a certain level of scholarship.  In some cases, the business case is based on the anticipation of paradigm shifts. 


A completely redeveloped Foundation of Knowledge Science would be peer reviewed by a number of scholars and endorsed if a publishing house were to make a commitment to the project.


Why not?

