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Saturday, September 11, 2004


The BCNGroup Beadgames


Background material on why a National Project is required






A focused discussion is to be posted in the graph representation of knowledge bead thread.  The discussion about political/cultural aspects regarding a National Project to establish a new type of information science will continue here.




General note from the Founding Committee


A number of confusions may occur as the conjecture on stratification is examined.   It is something that we have years of experience with. 


This has not been a pleasant experience, and we have had to learn how to deal with our own feeling as these confusions are propagated. 


One might think about the confusion that is currently being created over Senator Kerry's voting for the authority to go to war, which is now equated with "voting for the war", as if there is no difference.   Perhaps people in Kerry’s group are willing to do similar things with truth.  But this distortion of truth is often harmful to the larger process. 


Serious scientific investigations must occur within a different environment, where the search for correctness is more important than self-centered-ness. 


We realize that there must be a certain willingness to be open to a re-interpretation of evidence. 


We realize that the anticipatory theory is difficult, not only due to it being counter-intuitive to the training that many PhDs receive; but also because the theory has to address long standing cultural willingness to accept some things and reject others due merely to long standing cultural bias. 


For example, one might see the conjecture on stratification as being a belief in Platonic ideas; and yet this is not anything even close to how Richard, Paul or Ken, or others, feel about a conjecture that systems far from thermodynamical equilibrium would have a stable set of intake mechanisms, thus selecting aggregations of atoms as if these actually exist as an ontology.  How function comes about is part of the object of our investigation.