Thursday, December 08, 2005
as a
To one of the leading vendors
The BCNGroup is moving ahead on the merging of many sources of information about the H5N1 flu and government / social preparations. We will host this ontology (which we define merely to be a set of concepts) on one of my web servers (likely (which I have registered – though not mapped as yet)
The merging is possible if we scale back the expectations to focus only on an enumeration of concepts, including high level concepts such as can be annotated in the OASIS Human Mark-up standard...
And, of course no one is going to pay for this type of work. People are however very interested in contributing time and expertise.
Mining text with (edited) tools as one means to add to the knowledge base would be a positive contribution.
The focus will be topic maps, but we have to input and output RDF in order to bring RDF and OWL constructions into the core set of concepts.
I could use some help from (edited), including help in bringing talent I know of to the table with the just starting Air Force project and with the other projects, particularly with your discussions at USDA.
Have you all thought about the human markup language standard as a means to define some of the process models that are needed in emergence response ontology?
Paul Prueitt