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Enumeration process model.

November 4, 2003.

Process 1: Select from a library of template/schema for the document in question.

Process 2: Enumerate sets with complex data elements having the form (class:object) harvested from the document. Harvesting is to be done using information extraction methods. 

Process 3: Develop a context map (perhaps represented as a 'topic map') by creating and aggregating context tuples.  Each context tuple is defined by allocating roles to the complex data elements from sets in (2).

Process 4: If modification of the template/schema is necessary, edit the template/schema (and context map!) to match the document nature/content.   

Process 5: Select/identify meaningful views of the context map.

Process 6: Merge the context map with other (related) context maps.

Process 7: Generate graphical displays for selected views.