Service Link analysis, Iterated scatter-gather and Parcelation (SLIP)


The Event Browser:  Exercise I


December 14, 2001




Obtaining Informational Transparency with Selective Attention




Dr. Paul S. Prueitt

President, OntologyStream Inc

December 14, 2001













The Event Browser:  Exercise I


Friday, December 14, 2001



This exercise has two parts.  In Part 1 we take the user through all of the steps required to use the three SLIP Browsers.  In Part 2 we engage in a discussion about what our development needs are in order to complete the foundational software for Event Chemistry.


Part 1: The Three Browsers.


The zip file needed for this exercise is available at:


In the zip file one will find three browsers and a data file.  This data file will contain the datawh.txt file that we developed in a previous exercise.  The datawh.txt is a filtered event log from a 120,246 record transaction audit log and is discussed in Part 4 of the Arbitrary Event Log Exercise.  Our datawh.txt has 12,024 records and is 642K..  The user should open this file, with any work processor, and examine the contents. 


To start this Exercise, please delete everything from the Data Folder except datawh.txt.  One can regenerate this data folder from the zip file later to check your work. 



Figure 1: Contents of


After examining the datawh.txt file, double click on the icon for SLIPWhse.1.2.0.exe.



a                                                    b

Figure 2: The development of Analytic Conjectures


Technically any of the pairs of the columns will work as an Analytic Conjecture.  Some of these will not be interesting and some will have long computational times. 


For example, setting the atoms to Dport and the relation to Sport will take a few minutes on a fast computer to generate the A1 node seen in Figure 3a.  This view is interesting in that this is how a external source port will see the normal operating mode of a Linux web server.   The data that will show Figure 3a is available from the zip file (1,555 K)


Rather than look more deeply into the Analytic Conjecture (sPort, dPort), we will develop our exercise around the Conjecture (dPort, sPort). 


Figure 2b is developed by using the commands:


A = 3

B = 4




These commands will create the files Conjecture.txt, Links.txt, Mart.txt, and Paired.txt and places these files in the Data folder. 



a                                                   b

Figure 3: Two different A1 nodes, a is from (sPort, dPort) and b is from (dPort, sPort)


Of course in Figure 3b we have not yet clustered the atoms. 


In a previous study of the entire (unfiltered) SSI dataset, it was noticed that a large spike formed and then a small group formed away from the large spike.  The small group then moved slowly towards the large spike.  As the smaller group moved towards the spike, there is a periodic exchange of atoms between the two “events”. 


We hoped to find this same behavior in the filtered set, and we did (see Figure 4)



a                                            b                                               c


Figure 4: Event decomposition of A1 into three events


The data that will show Figure 4 is available from the zip file (127 K)


The ending nodes of the SLIP Framework are then tested to see if the ending nodes are in fact prime.  B2 is not and so a re-scatter-gather is done to remove 3 of the 10 atoms and place these 10 atoms in category C3.  At this point we have three prime categories.  B1 has 18 atoms.  C1 has 10 atoms and B3 has 184 atoms.  Recall that category A1 has 233 atoms.


Now the user should develop a similar SLIP Framework.  The user should launch SLIP.2.2.3.exe and type help to review the available commands.  Then the user should type:





Followed by clicking on the A1 node to see the 233 atoms randomly scattered to the circle.


Cluster 300


Cluster 300 will produce something like Figure 4a.  If it is not clear that a smaller cluster is approaching a large spike, then type:



Cluster 300


A few times until you recognize the phenomenon. 


Note that the phenomenon we are looking at is a transient phenomenon since the small cluster will eventually move and join the spike.  The user can see this by clustering 2,000,000 iterations. 


Cluster 2000


Now re-randomize and cluster 300 (300,000 iterations).  Use the bracket command to pull subsets of the atoms into three categories.  The first is the small cluster that is moving towards the large spike.  The second is all of the atoms in between the small cluster and the large spike.  The third is the large spike itself.


Click on each of the ending nodes and check to see if the node is prime. 



Cluster 100


If all of the atoms go to the same location, then the node is prime.  If the node is not prime then take the part that moves together and bracket it into a new category. 


Now we can generate Reports and look at the event chemistry. 


The current version of the SLIP Technology Browser does not know the correct column to use in the Report and so we have to use the key command.  In our case the atoms are from column 3 of the warehouse. 


Key 3



These commands are used to key the Report mechanism and the generate the Report for the selected node.



Figure 5: Generating the Report for B1


One should check to see that each atom in the members list produces at least one record from the original event log.  If this is not so, then the key is not set correctly. 


The user should generate reports for each of the prime nodes. 


Two things should be noted.  First, all Dip values in the event log are so this is not useful information.  Second is that the column names have to be adjusted by hand and this is done clicking into the Report window and using a control tab key sequence (a tab will just move the control around the screen)


As expected, the Report for B3 is almost the entire original datawh.txt. 


First use of the Event Browser


Everything is now set up to use the Event Browser.  Well, almost everything.  Our design calls for a SLIP technology Browser command line to open an Event Browser and take only the atoms related to the selected node into the Event Browser.


As of now, we need to do some of this by hand.




Figure 6: The selection of the Member.txt for the Event Browser


We now use a standard Locate File Browser to select the node that we wish to examine with the Event Browser.  We need to find a Members.txt.  On selection of a Members.txt, the Event Browser randomly scatters the atoms into the viewable manifold (left display window). 



a                                                          b

Figure 7: The scattered atoms of category B1 and C1.



c                                                d

Figure 8: Two different initial distributions of the scattered atoms of B3


Each time one wishes to see a different node, one has to open a new Event Browser.  Each time one opens an Event Browser to see the atoms of a category, the random distribution will be different. 


The user can experiment with the Browsers. Please call Dr. Prueitt if you have any questions.



Part 2: On completing the Event Chemistry


In we have drawn two event graphs from a test set given to OSI Inc by Software Systems International (SSI).  The SSI data set is a log dump from the normal operation of a LINUX web server.


a                                                                             b

Figure 9: Two hand draw event maps


In Figure 9, the two hand drawn events are from the D1 and D2 nodes of the data set  This 2.14 Meg zipped file is available from:


When used with the SLIP Technology Browser we will see Figure 10a. 




b                                                                       c

Figure 10: The display of atoms in categories D1 and D2


Figure 10b and Figure 10c show the first version of the Event Browser that scatters atoms with linkage into the display window.    The design problem that we now face is now to automatically generate things that look like Figure 9 and Figure 10 using a push-pull process like the scatter-gather to the circle.

On the nature of emergent computing


There are several schools of thought regarding what emergent computing is and what are its consequences.  We take as our model here the scatter-gather technique used in clustering concepts in text collections.  We do not take as our model genetic algorithms.  This can be done, but we have not applied either genetic algorithms, or evolutionary programming and normally considered in the literature. 


The scatter is a one time random distribution of units (atoms) into a manifold.  The gather is a stochastic process that can produce meaningful clusters in the limiting distribution.


The problem with gathering is that movement towards organization must be balanced with a complementary reintroduction of diffusion.  The basic concepts come from both cosmology and thermodynamics.  The effects are simple to observe.  The emergent structures that develop should:


1)      Evenly distribute themselves into the manifold (the notion of a manifold is a general notion for the region where the scatter-gather has occurred)

2)      The structures themselves should have a tension that spreads the graph so that figures like Figure 9, Figure 11 and Figure 12 occur automatically.


Lets us look again at Figure 9b.  This is like the Port-scan figures we have seen in previous exercises, for example Figure 11b.


a                                                                             b


Figure 11: Some early event maps


In Figure 11b we have two colors of links, the red and the blue.  The blue links could also be rendered as in Figure 12.


Figure 12:  Alternative event map for Figure 11b


Our current problem (one that at this writing has not been solved) is how to use principles from thermodynamics to diffuse the location of individual atoms while at the same time bringing all of the common links together.


Figure 11c is clearly not consistent with what can be directly computed from the scattered atoms with different types of links.  The red linkage of both Figure 11a and 11b are derived from a transitive relationship.  It is therefore a derived rendering schema, not one that we expect to see from emergent computing directly. 


This issue is one of the last remaining issues for the prototype SLIP Browsers.




The following issues are not something that the user will have to be involved in, but the computer interface has to be programmed in order to produce acceptable results. 


Three dimensions


Currently, we choose to have a three dimensional manifold where each atom has an x, y and z position.  The z position is used to draw the size of the atom, resulting in the rendering of distance from the viewer.  However, since the three dimensions are computed we may render this three-dimensional model in other ways in the future. 


The gathering movement of atoms


Two type of locations are accounted for.  The atom’s center of gravity and the location of the link attraction spot.  Each atom has a center of gravity.  One end of a link is attached to the atom and one end has an attraction spot (see Figure 13).  Each link type is colored coded so that links of the same type have the same color.  For example, all port 80 links will have the same color.


Using iteration similar to the gather of points on the circle, we select a link type and move the atoms connected to these links.  If an atom is attached to other atoms, then the entire complex must be moved along with the atom.  The movement also involves changing the position of the links that each atom has so that the links of the selected color all point towards each other.


The movement of atoms introduces a number of programs that we have to solve.  What we are after is a reasonable rendering of the compounds that form due to the link analysis as specified in the SLIP Analytic Conjecture.  The clustering of the atoms on the circle is to identify interesting groups of atoms and to then look at these in isolation from everything else. 


Clustering of the atoms on the circle provides a selective attention to just those atoms that have a tight link relationship.  Informational transparency is delivered in three senses:


1)      The data aggregation of invariance in the data is performed using very fast RIB algorithms

2)      The SLIP Analytic Conjecture provides a specific look at the data invariance

3)      Automated processes are created from event graphs to actively look for the same invariance found to be of interest by an analyst.


Informational transparency with selective attention is delivered due to a perception action cycle that uses an advanced view of data mining and the visual acuity of expert humans.


One key to instancing this perception-action cycle is the production of the event graphs.  So this work is essential to the overall success of the Incident Management and Intrusion Detection System (IMIDS) and to other vertical market development for SLIP-RIB Technologies.



a                                                          b

c                                                          d

Figure 13: event chemistry dynamics


In the gather aspect of the event chemistry we must overcome a number of challenges.  These are due to the nature of an emergent computing task.  Essentially many local informational constraints exist and there are conflicts similar to what we see between individuals when the individuals have different points of view.  So adjustments need to be made. 


In Figure 13 we have been successful in moving all of the red links together.  This is not done all at once because the movement of single atoms, or complexes of atoms, will alter the other relationships.  So we move things only a little bit and then choose a different color (link type) and make a small adjustment there.  This is a classical technique first developed by Paul Werbos’ 1977 PhD thesis on the back propagation of error in artificial neural networks. 


Over time the construction will sometimes settle down into a stable pattern. 


The phenomenon of stable patterns is similar to the phenomenon of the limiting distributions in the atom gather on the circle.  In some cases, the iteration on the gather will not settle down completely and we see periodic changes moving back and forth between two clusters or within a cluster. 


Link positioning


In Figure 13d we see that the purple links need to point in exactly the same direction as the red links.  This will force the two kinds of links to occupy the same space.  The problem has two aspects.  How does one represent the fiber that connects the atoms?  How does one overcome the rule that requires that links be displayed evenly from the atom’s surface? 



a                                                           b

Figure 14: Creating connection fibers having more than one link


Simply allowing the links to turn and point from the surface without reqard to how the other links are pointed solves the first problem.  In the case that a connection occurs, then the links have to be redrawn as a fiber bundle, as in Figure 14b.


The black link between a(1) and a(2) retains the configuration angle because a prior link existed between a(1) and a(2).



Figure 15:  The configuration angles


A small event cycle has to occur during each gather of the event chemistry. 


1)      A color is selected

2)      All attractor points of the links of this color point at the links’ center of gravity (the average position).  This may involve kinking connections that are already made.

3)      Move the atom complexes towards each other (just a little bit) so as to reduce the difference between the position of the attractor points and the center of gravity.

4)      Adjust the position of all un-linked links on each atom affected.


The scattering movement of atoms


The scatter-gather process starts with a random distribution of atoms into a manifold where relative location of all the atoms can be co determined.  As the gather process occurs there is a tendency to have everything move towards a common universal center of gravity.  This tendency to collapse into a single mass must be over come with a diffusion process. 


Cosmology identifies a similar problem in the organization of the universe by both diffusion and escapement processes.  The notion of escapement (of an fast organization scale) leads one into the quasi axiomatic theory:


and the voting procedures:


To solve this problem we need a few constructions in the computer code.  First all of the links and atoms have to be active objects, with sufficient properties to remember locations, connections and link positions.   Active object also allows us to hide properties such as name tags so that the display is not cluttered with information. 


The current Event Browser (version 1.0.3) has all of the necessary plumbing. 


Before discussing the diffusion process, we should first consider why diffusion is not necessary in the scatter-gather to the circle.  First, the scatter-gather to the circle is informationally simple.  One can make this process more complex but it is not yet necessary to detail how this would be useful.  Second, the scatter-gather to the circle is on a manifold that has no boundary with no preferred starting point.  This means that a gather is also a diffusion process. 


This property of having no preferred starting point tells us how we have to adjust the event chemistry dynamics.  We need to have a diffusion field that is computed for each atom and then all of these fields added together to provide a tension on the manifold.  This tension is the diffusion field.  As long as there is gathering movement, then the diffusion field will push everything apart with equal power. 


Development effort to provide the final event chemistry


The end of the financial year often puts R&D efforts in a bind.  This has been true for our effort also.  Funding stopped for us on November 29th, 2001 and funding restart is not expected until new arrangements are made.


The Event Browser is almost fully designed and about 40% coded.  The interactions between the SLIP Technology Browser and the Event Browser are about 80% completed.  The SLIP technology Browser and the SLIP Warehouse Browser are fully operational (as of December 3rd, 2001)


We estimate that a solid two months of work is required to complete the seamless integration of the suite of three browsers. 


Due to economic considerations, OSI is willing to make almost any arrangement in order to complete the work.  However, the one rule is that OSI placing into the public domain all new Intellectual property as soon as it is created. 


In the next exercise, we will look at the use of the SLIP Technology to create a semantic index between documents.  A test set has been developed for this purpose:


What we hope is that this application will be seen useful to investment decision-making that involves careful examination of the relationship between themes in corporation stockholder reports.  A second application of the SLIP Text Examination technology is to be made with a test set of Intellectual Property disclosures.